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The 60 Second City Girl

Inspiring women talk work, play, style & travel

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Sara – 60 Seconds with Ted Baker’s Social Media Executive

After moving from one fashion capital to another, studying at two of the world’s most prestigious fashion institutions - London College of Fashion and Central

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Maya - Balancing the blog

Maya - Balancing the blog

The presence of social media and rise of influencers in modern society has diluted the meaning of the term ‘blogging’. What is in fact a very personal endeavor for many,...

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Jihea - Green is the new black

Jihea - Green is the new black

Adapting to zero-waste practices is a process that can be simple, cost-effective and entirely possible for anyone. As with any lifestyle change, the process starts by

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Laura - Self-care and the City

Laura - Self-care and the City

It is widely known that city living drastically increases skin exposure to air pollution, however with UK pollution levels continuing to rise, the struggle to purge aw

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